
Friday, July 25, 2014

7/27/14 INTENTIONS: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Heavenly Father, we come before you looking to help spread your kingdom throughout the earth. Inspired by Christ your Son, and our teacher,  Let us pray

For our church
That Pope Francis , Bishop Caggiano, and our church leaders continue to guide us to the kingdom  as the wise scribe, bringing forth both old and new from the storeroom,

For our government
That they may see each person as a precious treasure and may act as a wise and caring steward

For those persecuted for their faith - especially in the Middle East
That The Lord touch their hearts with his love and respect for all people so that Muslims and Christians may live in peace.

For our economically challenged
That the Lord will show them their worth as a child of God and that His loving hand continues to provide for them.

For the sick
That the Lord make his presence known and provide consolation and healing,

For our families

That they may be a a place to both experience and share Gods Love and Peace

Father God, you know us better than we know ourselves for you knew us before we were born.  Fill us with your wisdom so that we can ask for our needs and open our eyes to see your work in our lives.  We ask this through  Jesus your son.

Please pray for us...

People ask us to pray, and so in faith, we lift our prayers to the Father: